Where Do You Go To Find Business Information?

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Feb 13, 2009 by Mark Maier

There has been a change over the last several years in the process consumers go through seeking top of mind solutions to everyday problems.  Let's say you blow a tire on your car and it bends the rim making it impossible for you to change the tire yourself, what do you do and who do you think of that can solve your problem?  Research has shown that we go to our "top of mind" list of providers in our head to see if we know of a solution first.  If we can't think of a solution we ask friends or family who they would recommend.  If they can't think of anyone we now hit a search engine followed by yellow pages.  Therein lies the change, Yellow Pages used to be the "third" layer of information but has now been relegated to the fourth layer but they command a disproportianate advertising spend.  According to new research from The Center For Media Research in "Small Businesses Not Keeping Up With Online Presence", redistribution of advertising spend to reflect actual consumer behavior is in order....

"The survey found that search engines are the most popular source for finding local information:

I can guarantee that 82% of small Business owners are not engaged in search engine marketing but I would bet that more than 57% advertise in the Yellow Pages and get very little Return On Investment because the normal consumer goes to businesses that are "top of mind" first and then seek referrals second before they go to search engines or yellow pages. 

Only 44% of small business owners have a website.  Here is an opportunity for Radio/TV/& Interactive Properties, develop websites for your clients and manage their search engine campaigns.  The key to developing sites for your clients is to listen to what the needs are and determine realistic expectations and then use your property to help drive traffic to their site and further develop top of mind awareness.

"Though less than half of small businesses do have a website, the ones that do are not happy overall with their online marketing. Among those small businesses that have a website:

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