Impact Your Bottom Line

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Nov 13, 2008 by Mark Maier

Mark MaierI know very few people who have not been effected in some way by the recent economic turmoil but just as we teach our clients that the recession is not the time to decrease advertising, it is also not the time to decrease training, in fact, it is time to improve your sales training and knowledge base to deliver results for your clients.  I was reminded recently of an article in the USA Today from Steve Strauss called "Training Takes Time, But It Gives Much More Back".  Here at LPG we have a complete system that takes a sales staff through the keys of success starting with Prospecting, Qualifying, Customer Marketing Profiles, Return On Investment, Written Presentations, Effective Scheduling, Time Management and more that directly impact your productivity with each client and add to your bottom line. Steve makes the point that there are two times when training can be beneficial.  Read this and ask yourself what kind of training would impact my bottom line today?...

"The first relates to those areas of your business where you are not so proficient. Of course you are strong in some areas of your business that you like, whether it be people, or numbers, or doing the actual thing your business does (teaching scuba diving, baking bread or whatever.) But I would venture that there are also areas of your business that you don't like, and those are probably the areas where your skills are not as strong. Classes that strengthen you in those areas can go a long way to making you a more effective, more productive, wealthier business person. If you are weak in finances, take a budgeting class at your local community college. If you are good with numbers but bad with people, consider a public speaking course. Boning-up on weak areas makes you a better all-around entrepreneur.

The second area where increased training can make a considerable difference is with regard to growth. In particular, there are three areas in which extra learning can help almost any small-business person with the result being an increase in the bottom line.

Those are:

1. Technology: The information-communication-computer-software technology revolution over the past 25 years has radically changed how we all do business. Indeed, it is the most monumental thing to ever happen to small business. Yet if you are like most small-business people, your knowledge of what technology can do for you and your business comes haphazardly. Typically, if you are like most of the rest of us, your technological savvy, such as it is, comes from trial-and-error, watching and talking to friends and associates, reading a few articles (when you have time), and maybe asking some pointed questions of that tech support guy in India. But the fact is, there is a lot of computer power waiting for you, if only you knew what was available and then how to use it. Large corporations have created some incredible tools for us small-business owners, but if you don't get out there, learn about them, and take some courses on how to tap the power of technology, the parade is going to pass you by.

2. Marketing and Advertising: As in the case of technology, the world of marketing has changed a lot too over the past few years with the Internet transforming both how businesses market their products and how people buy them, among other things. Sure you work hard at keeping up, but all work and no class makes Jack a dull businessman. Seminars, either online, at a local college or through a business seminar company can teach you some new tricks, such as:
-Using the Web to increase sales
-Search engine optimization
-Online advertising Dos and Don'ts
-Guerilla marketing

3. Sales: My dad used to say he was "the world's greatest salesman." Some people are born with that sort of chutzpah, others are not. But the great thing about selling is that whether you are a natural-born sales person or not, this is one area where tips from the masters can really yield some great results. Selling gurus like Brian Tracy, Zig Zigler and Tom Hopkins have condensed their knowledge into systems and seminars you can buy and learn. Learning sales from the pros can make a big difference in your business.

Training: It doesn't cost, it pays."


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