Has The Economy Changed The Dynamics Of The Buyers Awareness Cycle?

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Mar 6, 2009 by Mark Maier

ESPN's Ed Erhardt writes: "Men Changing, Advertising Reacting", is that reacting to the changing economy or maybe a shift in how some goods or services are influenced by gender and demographics that challenge the "norm"?..

"For years, advertisers that targeted women believed they played a "head of household" role and made the majority of purchasing decisions for the family. But ESPN's Ed Erhardt says that cause-and-effect relationship is changing.

Men are becoming more involved in making household spending choices--perhaps because of the economy--and that could increasingly open doors for ESPN with its male audience.

"Most of the research now shows it is a dual decision," says Erhardt, president of ESPN/ABC Sports customer sales and marketing. "A guy is very much involved in that, so I think there's a change in the male consumer--there's a change in the economy and we like our position based upon that going forward."

In ESPN's case, Erhardt says large packaged goods companies (Kraft and Johnson & Johnson, for example) along with travel advertisers and other traditional female-oriented marketers are shifting dollars in an attempt to reach men. "

I think the comment is dead-on for some catagories of goods, I know in my own household my wife depends on my research in certain catagories and asks what my recommendation would be as we consider those purchases while I leave certain catagories completely up to her.  What is ESPN finding....

"As a result, he says that's serving as a buffer as some marketers in the financial, retail and automotive categories trim spending in reaction to the economy. A top media buyer, GroupM's chief investment officer Rino Scanzoni, said last week to investors that ESPN is challenged--since 40% of its ad dollars come from those three sectors."

The key element to this story is that ESPN is changing as the trends show change, that same kind of change is what leads to survival in today's market.

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